
Pre-populate surveys with verified customer details.

About Orders

Sharing your customer's order details with GetReviews is optional, but does have a few benefits.

  1. If your survey offers respondents a giveaway for their feedback, providing Order IDs allows us to validate the review before triggering integrations with 3PL, etc.

  2. If you want to enforce customers to wait X days before writing reviews, providing Order IDs allows us to enforce this delay.

  3. You may auto-identify customers during survey initialization, skipping the data-gathering steps (product purchased, customer name / email, etc) as well as validating reviewer authenticity (benefits 1-2 above)

To provide order data itself you may upload CSVs inside our Upload Center or send data programmatically via our API.

Create an Order

Endpoint: /orders Method: POST

Sample Body:

    "order_id": "888-888-123456779",
    "order_date": "2023-04-24",
    "name": "Tommy Tutone",
    "email": "tommy@heath.com",
    "phone": "+15558675309",
    "marketplace_id": 10,
    "survey_code": "9594fc",
    "product_id": 3189,
    "campaign_id": 9

Sample Response:

   "name"=>"Tommy Tutone",


Order records will be de-duplicated based on the order_id attribute. If 2+ payloads are received with the same order_id value, only the first will be used to create an Order.

Error Messages

"Marketplace with ID: X doesn't exist" // marketplace not found

"{{ Marketplace Name }} isn't enabled on this account" // marketplace not enabled

"Survey code is mandatory" // survey_code param not included 

"Survey with code: X doesn't exist // survey not found

"Order already exists" // an order with this order_id already exists on the account

Last updated